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Publications, Patents, and Presentations


Randazzo N., Holt M.., Hilts R., Herd C.D.K., Reiz B., and Whittal R. Quantification of Organosulfur Compounds in Six Specimens of the Tagish Lake Meteorite at the ppb scale using LC-MS. (Accepted for Meteoritics & Planetary Science).


Bosak T., Shuster D.L., Scheller E.L., Siljeström S., Zawaski M.J., Mandon L., Simon J.I., Weiss B.P., Stack K.M., Mansbach E.N., Treiman A.H., Benison K.C….Randazzo N., and 26 others. Astrobiological potential of rocks acquired by the Perseverance rover at a sedimentary fan front in Jezero crater, Mars. (Submitted to AGU Advances).


Kalucha H., Broz A.P., Randazzo N., Aramendia J., Madariaga J.M., Garczynski B., Lanza N., Mandon L., Fouchet T., Catling D.C., Fairén A.G., Kivrak L., Gasda P.J., and seven others. Probable concretions observed in the Shenandoah Formation of Jezero Crater, Mars and comparison with terrestrial analogs. (Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research- Planets).


Hausrath E. M., Sullivan R., Goreva Y., Zorzano M.P., Vaughan A., Cousin A., Siljeström S., Sharma S., Shumway A., Kizovski T., Van Bommel1 S., …Randazzo N., and 43 others as well as the Regolith Working Group. Collection and in situ analyses of regolith samples by the Mars 2020 rover: Implications for their formation and alteration history. (Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research- Planets).


Benison K.C., Gill K.K., Allwood A., Bosak T., Broz A.P., Clark B.C., Cloutis E., Czaja A.D., Flannery D., Fornaro T., Gomez F., Hand K., Herd C.D.K., Hurowitz J.,…Randazzo N., and seven others. Depositional and diagenetic sulfates of Hogwallow Flats and Yori Pass, Jezero crater: Evaluating preservation potential of environmental indicators and possible biosignatures from past martian surface waters and groundwaters. (Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research- Planets).


Kathir B.S., Rice M.S., Horgan  B., Johnson J.R., Mandon L., Annex A.M., Broz A.P., Garczynski B., Martínez-Frías J., Núñez J.I., Randazzo N., Bell III J.F., Mangold N., Stack K.M., and Weins R. Float Rocks on the Western Jezero Fan Front: Using Multispectral Observations from the Mastcam-Z Instrument on Perseverance to Investigate the Origin of Boulders. (Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research- Planets).


Jodhpurkar M., Bell J.P., Gupta S., Horgan B., Gwizd S., Randazzo N., and Caravaca G.. Mapping and Characterizing the Northern Fan Deposits in Jezero Crater, Mars. (Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research- Planets).


Caravaca G., Dromart G., Mangold N., Gupta S., Tate C., Randazzo N., Williams R.M.E., Le Mouélic S., Nuñez J.I., Kah L.C., Rice J., Crumpler L., Williams A., and five others. Depositional Facies and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Kodiak Butte, Western Delta of Jezero Crater, Mars. (Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research- Planets).


Stack K. M., Ives L. R. W., Gupta S., Lamb M. P., Tebolt M., Caravaca G., Grotzinger J.P., Russell P., Shuster D.L., Williams A.J.,  Amundsen H. E. F., Alwmark S., … Randazzo N., and 14 others. Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Shenandoah Formation, Western Fan, Jezero Crater, Mars. (Submitted to AGU Advances).


Broz A.P., Horgan B., Kalucha H., Johnson J.R., Royer C., Dehouck E., Mandon L., Cardarelli E.L., Garczynski B., Haber J.H., Ives L. R. W., Mangold N., …Randazzo N., and 14 others. Diagenetic history and biosignature preservation potential of fine-grained rocks at Hogwallow Flats, Jezero Crater, Mars. (Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research- Planets).


Siljeström S., Czaja A.D., Corpolongo A., Berger E.L., Li A.Y., Cardarelli E.L., Abbey W., Asher S.A., Beegle L.W., Benison K.C., Bhartia R., Bleefeld B.L., …Randazzo N., amd 18 others. Evidence of Sulfate-Rich Fluid Alteration in Jezero Crater Floor, Mars. (Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research- Planets).


Zorzano M.P., Martínez G., Polkko J., Tamppari L., Newman C., Savijärvi H., Goreva Y., Viudez D., Bertrand T., Smith M., Hausrath E.M., Siljeström S., …Randazzo N., and three others. Present-day thermal and water activity environment of the Mars Sample Return collection. (Submitted to Nature Communications).


Hausrath E. M., Adcock C. T., Bechtold A., Beck P., Benison K., Brown A., Cardarelli E.L., Carman N.A., Chide B., Christian J., Clark B.C., Cloutis E.,…Randazzo N., and thirteen others as well as the Mars 2020 SuperCam team and Regolith Working Group. (2023). An examination of soil crusts on the floor of Jezero crater, Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 128, e2022JE007433.


Horgan B., Udry A., Rice M., Alwmark S., Amundsen H. E. F., Bell J. F., …Randazzo N., and  eight others (2023). Mineralogy, morphology, and emplacement history of the Maaz formation on the Jezero crater floor from orbital and rover observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 128, e2022JE007612.


Lorenz, R., Maurice, S., Chide, B., Mimoun, D., Stott, A., Murdoch, N., Giller, M., Jacob, X., Wiens R.C., Montmessin F., Grip H., Tzanetos, T., Balaram R., Williams N., … and Randazzo, N. The Sounds of a Helicopter on Mars. Planetary and Space Science. 230, 105684.


Poggiali, G., Iannini Lelarge, S., Brucato, J.R., Barucci M. A., Masotta, M., Corazzi, M.A., Fornaro, T., Brown, A.J., Mandon, L., and Randazzo, N. Laboratory measurements of anhydrous minerals mixed with hyperfine hydrated minerals to support interpretation of infrared reflectance observations of planetary surfaces. Icarus. 392, 115449.

Veneranda, M., Manrique, J.A., Lopez-Reyes, G., Julve-Gonzalez, S., Rull F., Alvarez Llamas, C., Gibbons, E., Clave, E., Cloutis, E., Huidobro, J., Castro, K., Madariaga, J.M., Randazzo, N., and four others (2023). Developing tailored data combination strategies to optimize the SuperCam classification of carbonate phases on Mars. Analytica Chimica Acta. Icarus 394(8):115449..

Randazzo, N., Kim S.- T., and Knyf M. (2019). Enzymatically- catalyzed CO2- H2O equilibration for oxygen isotope analyses of aqueous samples. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 33(44), 1185- 1195.

Bhattacharya, J., Miall, A., Gabriel, J., Ferron, C, Randazzo, N., Kynaston, D., Jicha, B., and Singer, B. (2019). Time- stratigraphy in point sourced river deltas: application to sediment budgets, shelf construction, and paleo- storm records. Earth Science Reviews 199, 102985.



 “Carbonic anhydrase-catalyzed isotope equilibrium between CO2-H2O for oxygen isotope analyses of aqueous samples”. U.S. Provisional Pat. Ser. No. 62/752064. Filed on Oct. 29, 2018.


Lemmon M., Bell III J., Egeland R., and Randazzo N. Monitoring hotspots with Mars rovers. June 2023. American Astronomical Society. Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. Poster Presentation. (Virtual).


Debaille V., Benison K.C., Bosak T., Cohen B.A., Czaja A.D., Farley K.A., Goreva Y., Hausrath E.M., Herd C.D.K, Hickman-Lewis K., Liu Y., Madariaga J.M., Mayhew L.E., Randazzo N., Sephton M.A., Shuster D.L., Siljeström S., Simon J.I., Stack K.M., Wadhwa M., Weiss B.P., and Zorzano M.-P. Mars sample return: scientific objectives and implication for the crater floor campaign. Biennial European Astrobiology Conference (BEACON). La Palma Island, Canaries, Spain. Oral Presentation (Virtual).


Fornaro T., Brucato J.R., Poggiali G., Alberini A., Florentino C.G., Jakubek R.S., Fries M., Sharma S., Murphy A.E., Coloma L., Aramendia J., Madariaga J.M., Steele A., Siljeström

 S., Czaja A.D., Bhartia R., Ollila A., Clegg S., Lopez-Reyes G., Manrique J.A., Beyssac O., Bernard, S., Clavé E., Connell S., Brown, A., Wiens, and Randazzo N. Inspecting the astrobiological relevance of samples collected at Jezero Crater on Mars by the NASA Mars 2020 Perseverance rover for future return to Earth. Biennial European Astrobiology Conference (BEACON). La Palma Island, Canaries, Spain. Oral Presentation (Virtual).


Randazzo N., Simon J.I., Tuite M., Flannery D., Herd C.D.K., Fornaro T., Benaroya S., Froese D.G., Eckley S., Harvey J., McCubbin F.M., Pumple J., O’Neal E.W., Regberg A.B., and Zeigler R.A. Preparing for analysis of returned mars samples through collaborative analysis of high fidelity analogs. March 2023. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC). The Woodlands, Texas, USA. Oral Presentation (In-Person).


Hausrath E. M., Sullivan R., Goreva Y., Zorzano M.P., Cardarelli E., Vaughan A., Cousin A., Siljeström S., Shumway A., S. VanBommel S., Martinez G., Johnson J.R., Bechtold A., Paar G., Poulet F.,  Herd C.D.K., , Benison K., Sephton M., Madariaga J.M.,  Lasue J.,  Wiens R.C.,  Martinez-Frias J.,  Bell III J.F., Czaja , A.D.,  Adcock C.T., and  Randazzo N. The history of water recorded in the Mars soil samples. March 2023. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC). The Woodlands, Texas, USA. Oral Presentation (In-Person).


Stack K. M., Gupta S., Tebolt M., Caravaca G., Ives E., Russell P., Shuster D., Williams A., Alwmark S., Barnes R., Bell III J., Beyssac O., Brown A., Flannery D., Grotzinger J. P., Horgan B., Hurowitz J., Kalucha H., Kanine O., Núñez J.I., Randazzo N., Seeger C., Simon J., Tice M, and Williams., R.M.E. Sedimentology and stratigraphy of the lower delta sequence, Jezero Crater, Mars. March 2023. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC). The Woodlands, Texas, USA. Oral Presentation (In-Person).


Tate C. D., Annex A. M., Wolff M., Hayes A. H., Randazzo N., and Powell K. E. The Metaverse is here – so let’s use it to explore Mars. March 2023. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC). The Woodlands, Texas, USA. Oral Presentation (In-Person).


Randazzo N., Wu T., Bhattacharya J.P., Walecki M., Fries K., Nelson R., Kim S.- T., Jicha

B.R., and Singer B.S. Plausibility of Milankovitch- Driven Glaciations under Ultra- Greenhouse Conditions. August 2022. Cretaceous Symposium. Warsaw, Poland. Oral Presentation (Virtual).


Randazzo N., Kim S.- T., Bhattacharya J.P., Rine J., and Walecki M. Environmental reconstruction and intercontinental correlation of the Turonian paleoclimate using stable isotope records from the Mancos Shale. July 2022. Goldschmidt Conference. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Oral Presentation (Virtual).


Randazzo N., Gabriel J., Barros Lourenco R., Reinhardt E., Kim S.- T., Bhattacharya J.P., and

Genovese C. The utilization of XRF to predict carbon and nitrogen isotope trends in the

Cretaceous Mancos C Formation, New Mexico. June 2022. Advances in Stable Isotope Techniques and Applications (ASITA). Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Oral Presentation (In- Person).


Randazzo N., Wu T., Bhattacharya J.P., Kim S.-T., and Walecki M. Plausibility of Milankovitch Cycles in an Ultra Greenhouse World. November 2021. Geological Association of Canada- Mineralogical Association of Canada. London, Ontario, Canada. Oral Presentation (In- Person).


Randazzo N., Kim S.-T., Stalport F., Rheinstäder M.C., Cottin H., and Coll P. Effect of Martian- like Radiation Conditions on Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Compositions of Carbonates. February 2021. Canadian Geophysical Union- Student Conference. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Oral Presentation (Virtual).


Randazzo N. and Kim S.-T. Stable Isotopes of Carbonates: A Tool in the Search for Life?

Advances in Earth Sciences Research Conference. March, 2019. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Poster Presentation (In- Person).


Thomas A., Randazzo N., Torres- Kulik, Bentley M., Bardell G., and Thierrin C.. Eliminating Space Debris: N.A.P.K.I.N. Vehicle & C.L.O.T.H. Act. Queen’s Space Conference. February, 2019. Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Oral Presentation (In- Person).


Randazzo N. and Kim S.-T. Stable Isotopes of Carbonates: A Tool in the Search for Life? Science of Early Life Conference. June, 2018. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Poster Presentation (In- Person).


Randazzo N. and Kim S.-T. Resources for Future Generations (RFG) Conference. June, 2018Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Poster Presentation (In- Person).


Randazzo N. The Coevolution of Life and Environment on Mars: An Ecosystem Perspective on the Robotic Exploration of Biosignatures. SAGANet. March, 2018. Presented Online: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Oral Presentation of a paper by Nathalie Cabrol (In- Person).


Randazzo N., Kim S.- T., and El- Shenawy M.. Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Effects in Synthesized Carbonates at 25 oC. AGU Fall Meeting. December, 2016. San Francisco, California, USA Poster Presentation (In- Person).


Kynaston D., Lee R., Kovacs S., Randazzo N., and Islam A. Assessment of Petroleum Systems I Cooper Basin, Australia. AAPG Imperial Barrel Award Competition. March, 2015. Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Oral Presentation (In- Person).


Randazzo N. and Kim S.- T. The Influence of Salinity of Morphology of Calcite Rafts- A New Salinity Indicator?. NSERC- USRA Poster Session. November, 2014. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Poster Presentation (In- Person).


Randazzo N. Measuring the Isotopic Compositions of Carbon- 13 and Oxygen- 18 in Synthesized Calcite Rafts under Various Conditions. McMaster Research Day. April, 2014. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Poster Presentation (In- Person).



7 Oral Presentations, Astrobiology Journal Club Sep 2017–Present

McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada


6 Oral Presentations, School of Geography and Earth Sciences

Informal Seminar Series Club Sep 2017–Present

McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada

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