Nicolas Randazzo

Who am I?
Hello There!
I am a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Alberta working with Dr. Chris Herd and am part of the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Science Team. I am working on martian analog research in conjunction with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and the Johnson Space Center (JSC).
I conducted my Ph.D. research in geochemistry, sedimentology, and astrobiology at McMaster University under the supervision of Dr. Sang-Tae Kim and Dr. Janok Bhattacharya.
My Ph.D. projects heavily focused on applying sequence stratigraphy and facies analysis concepts with paleoclimate reconstruction using stable isotopes and elemental geochemistry. My research focused on obtaining geochemical data from sedimentary cores and combining this information with the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway (WIS) sedimentology and absolute dating from sanidines and detrital zircons. I also have a couple of smaller projects, including a Martian analog study, and would like to explore astrobiological research further in the future. I am a big supporter of interdisciplinary collaboration and always look for innovation opportunities.
I am also a fan of the arts and enjoy painting, the art of filmmaking and film critique, writing stories, reading about almost anything, listening to podcasts and audiobooks, the science and art of coffee, and playing the guitar.

Professional History
My Qualifications
September 2017 –
Ph.D in Earth Science and Environmental Sciences (Specialization in Astrobiology)
January 2015 – November 2016
M.Sc in Earth Science (Stable Isotope Geochemistry)
September 2010 - December 2014
H.BSc in Honours Environmental Sciences (Graduated Summa Cum Laude)
September 2010 - December 2014
Minor Degree in Religious Studies

"There are no facts, only interpretations"
Friedrich Nietzsche